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Hansfield Orchard
Location: County Dublin
Type: Residential
Stage: On Site
Hansfield Orchard is a development of 174 dwellings.
It is designed on behalf of Alanna Homes, comprising apartments, duplex units, a creche and community facilities and is set within an extensive landscaping design that enhances an existing tree belt and watercourse.
The scheme delivers a sustainable 51 units/ha.
Linear Park
The buildings are arranged to enclose a series of car-free public green spaces and semi-private courtyards.
A linear park connects the proposal to the surrounding streets and to the cycle path of the Royal Canal Greenway. This provides an active green buffer for the surrounding houses and encourages biodiversity.
Capitalising on Context -Placemaking
The buildings are organised to take maximum advantage of the existing site constraints. The plot is adjacent to St. Josephs's campus, managed by the Daughters of Charity, and the design responds appropriately to its neighbours by stepping down to two storeys at its perimeter and rising up to six-storey blocks to define a large public green.
With varying heights, massings, forms, and housing types, we focused on placemaking, pedestrian movement, safe convivial public spaces, and comfortable private amenity spaces. This innovative scheme is designed to be built with Insulated Concrete Formwork (ICF) reducing on-site waste and expediting the efficient delivery of the project.
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